Keep your PROPERTY TAX Rate

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Real Estate

Did you know that if you are over 55 years old, you may be eligible to transfer your property tax rate to your new home? If you are purchasing a home that is equal or lower in value than your current residence, and are buying within certain counties, your property tax is transferrable. If you have thought about selling, but were concerned about the increase in property taxes, this is great news for you!

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From the LA Property Tax Portal:

Proposition 60 and 90
(Senior Citizen s Replacement Dwelling Benefit)

Propositions 60 and 90 are constitutional initiatives passed by California voters. They provide property tax relief for persons age 55 and older by preventing reassessment when a senior citizen sells his/her existing residence and purchases or constructs a replacement residence worth the same or less than the original residence. This allows the senior citizen to continue to pay approximately the same amount of annual property taxes as before. The Assessor transfers the factored base value of the original residence to the replacement residence. For legal reference, see Section 69.5 of the Revenue & Taxation Code, available at

The replacement property and the original property, at the time of its sale, must have been eligible for the Homeowners' Exemption or entitled to the Disabled Veterans' Exemption. Besides being lesser in value, the replacement property must be purchased or newly constructed within two years, before or after the sale of the original property.

Proposition 60 is available when both the original and replacement properties are located within the same county such as Los Angeles County. Proposition 90 is available when the original and replacement properties are located in different counties. However, not all counties have passed an ordinance allowing Proposition 90. Currently, those counties accepting Proposition 90 are Alameda, San Diego, Santa Clara, Los Angeles, Orange, San Mateo and Ventura. This list is subject to change. Please check with the local county assessor before purchasing a replacement property.

A claim must be filed within three years of purchasing or completing new construction of the replacement property. If a claim is filed after the three year period, relief will be granted beginning with the calendar year in which the claim was filed. Proposition 60 or 90 can only be granted one time. For additional information, call the Assessor's Proposition Unit at (213) 893-1239. Claim forms are available at all of the Assessor's Offices and may be downloaded at the Assessor's website. Also, you may read more about Proposition 60 and 90 in the Assessor's brochure.